
Watch: Desi Teens Grill Hasan Minhaj in This Hilarious New Video

By DA Staff 8 July 2020 2 mins read

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Remember Abeer Khan, the flossing, dabbing 13-year-old who won our hearts last year as part of the group of desi teens interviewed by Hasan Minhaj? Well, he’s backโ€”along with the other teensโ€”as part of Patriot Act’s latest “deep cut” digital inclusive, and this time they’re asking the questions. Released on Monday, the 11-minute video came about after Minhaj and his team reached out to the teens to see how they’re doing under quarantine, and asked them to send in a few questions for him to answer.

The seven teens grilled Minhaj on a number of subjects, ranging from his parenting skills (“has your daughter had biryani yet?”), to breaking with the rules and conventions set down by his brown parents, and even the desi stereotypes he’s looking forward to fulfill (“โ€œI cannot wait to go full desi uncle. I want the full ET body. Skinny arms. Gut. Moustache.โ€) On a more serious note, he also offered advice on how to speak with their elders on anti-blackness in the South Asian community.

Minhaj said that these conversations should be approached with respect, and the realisation that most people are full of ignorance rather than hatred. “I think if you go from a place of attacking people or making them feel ashamed for something they don’t think is particularly malicious, [that] isn’t the right way to go,” he says. “If you come from a place of ‘hey I’ll help you understand this’ and we’ll figure this out together… that will still make you that daughter, niece or person they feel they can actually have a conversation with.”

The segment ends with the plucky Abeer asking Minhaj a number of hilarious questions, including “what do you think squirrels think of?” and “what mythical creature would you want to be?”, as well as a declaration that when the comedian dies, “I’ll be the next you.” Go watch the video, and then sign this petition to get Khan his own Netflix show. After all, it can’t be worse than Fuller House, can it?

And as a bonus, here’s Minhaj talking about discovering Abeer Khan on an earlier “Deep Cuts” segment.


DA Staff

Damn straight. Dead Ant has staff. You’d better believe it.


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