Zakir Khan’s television show Aapka Apna Zakir has been cancelled after less than a month on the air. Times Now reports that according to a source, the show—which premiered on 10 August and featured Gopal Dutt, Rithvik Dhanjani, Paresh Ganatra and Shweta Tiwari as the supporting cast—was discontinued due to low TRPs.
“The second week’s ratings of Aapka Apna Zakir are so abysmally low that the makers almost fell off from their chairs,” the anonymous source told Times Now. “They have decided and informed Zakir about scrapping the show. Now, viewers perhaps have already seen the last episode.”
Over its eight broadcasted episodes, the show has featured interviews with prominent Bollywood celebrities including Raveena Tandon, John Abraham, Vikrant Massey, Sharvari, Rajkummar Rao and Karan Johar. However, it seems that star power wasn’t enough to save the show from the chopping block.
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