
Ask Twice, Check In Often: Louis CK is Back and…Has Sex Advice

By Aishwarya Subramanyam 5 April 2020 5 mins read

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So Louis CK dropped a new special last night.

Sincerely Louis CK is his first release (stop it) since the Beacon Theater show in 2011, and the final chapter in his post-MeToo comeback tour, which he launched with surprise comedy club appearances (of course) less than a year after he admitted to accusations of sexual misconduct by five (FIVE) women in November 2017.

Apparently two-and-a-half years without a new video to sell on the internet ($7.99) is the maximum self-imposed sentence for masturbating in front of women at work in a boys-club profession while assuming they have the power to say no AND gut-punching millions of fans who believed that he wasnโ€™t a piece of shit because he was self-aware and funny and wise and funny and a narrator of all the things we didnโ€™t know we thought. And funny.

Okay, Iโ€™ll wait for you to stop defending him with the โ€œbut itโ€™s not like he raped anyoneโ€ argument, that oneโ€™s a real classic when it comes to categorising womenโ€™s trauma and deciding the appropriate punishment for asshole men you like. I loved Louis CK like the rest of you did, okay. But the particular betrayal of finding out that a man you thought wasnโ€™t trash is, in fact, trash, is a deeply familiar one and very, very difficult to forgive #yesallwomen.

I loved Louis CK like the rest of you did, okay. But the particular betrayal of finding out that a man you thought wasnโ€™t trash is, in fact, trash, is a deeply familiar one and very, very difficult to forgive #yesallwomen.

But hey, heโ€™s had two-and-a-half years and zero self-reflection (see this we are used to) so I thought Iโ€™d note at what point he made me laugh in this special that I unwillingly paid for (Iโ€™m getting reimbursed). I timed it. It took till 14.45 for a snort and 20.10 for a proper chuckle, though I did smile at 7.05 when heโ€™s talking about the crematorium guy fucking his dead mother.

The show starts with the audience whistling and chanting โ€œLouis, Louis, Louisโ€ and yes youโ€™re right in assuming this is mostly men. But there was some hooting by women too, and when he comes on stage one guy decided to stand up and ovate and then a bunch of people stood up, including women in the front row. Listen, this is not a men vs women thing, this is a me vs every guy who ever betrayed me thing and also an internalised-misogyny-is-a-thing, thing.

Anyway, the audience is super indulgent and laughs at everything including โ€œIโ€™ve been thinking about you all dayโ€, โ€œHow were your last couple of years?โ€, โ€œAnybody else get in global amounts of trouble?โ€ and โ€œWait till they see those pictures of me in blackface, thatโ€™s gonna make it a lot worseโ€. Although the last one really is funny, see, because no one believes women or takes sexual violence seriously unless it involves an iron rod HA HA GOOD ONE, LOUIS.

You might as well prepare yourself, because heโ€™s not very funny. But thatโ€™s okay, itโ€™s hard to be funny all the time and also heโ€™s a lying piece of shit and that takes energy.

Thereโ€™s a hurricane joke at the end of which he actually says โ€œNo, I donโ€™t mean any of thatโ€ and itโ€™s pretty damn weird to watch Louis CK issue a disclaimer (he also says โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ a few times, itโ€™s weird every time, and is the only apology weโ€™re getting).

Thereโ€™s jokes about god and 72 virgins (my stomach cramped when he said โ€œwhoresโ€) and hating small towns. Thereโ€™s a hurricane joke at the end of which he actually says โ€œNo, I donโ€™t mean any of thatโ€ and itโ€™s pretty damn weird to watch Louis CK issue a disclaimer. He also says โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ a few times (itโ€™s weird every time) and is the only apology weโ€™re getting. Thereโ€™s lots of jokes about disabled people and paedophilia and Auschwitz and dead babiesโ€”standard Louis fare.

I learned that he went to France last year to escape the wrath of America and fell in love with a French woman because OF COURSE HE DID. His girlfriend is comedian Blanche Gardin who has called him a โ€œmonster of sincerityโ€ and idolises him. I mean, I get it. Whomst among us hasnโ€™t opened her legs for a damaged man who feels misunderstood and judgedโ€”let her who is without sin cast the first stone, Iโ€™ll be in the back with the other sluts.

And then finally, at 51.30, he Talks About It. And has advice to offer, be still my cramping stomach: If you ever ask somebody if you can jerk off in front of them, and they say yes, just say โ€˜Are you sureโ€™ and then if they say yes, donโ€™t fucking do it. Also, because โ€œwomen know how to seem okay when theyโ€™re not okayโ€ (whatever keeps us alive, right Louis lol), communication during sex is important and you should check in with her often.

Okay, all right.

This got a lot of laughs and despite me being pissed offโ€”because donโ€™t turn it around on the women, asshole, how about just donโ€™t masturbate in front of anyone you know from workโ€”it was the most interesting, most compelling, most honest segment in the show. He also talks about what it feels like when โ€œeveryone in the whole worldโ€ knows your sex thing, in his case jerking off in front of people. Do you know what it feels like, he asks, to know that Obama knows your thing?

Not that he hurt these women (please, itโ€™s not like he raped them), not that he lied to his audience, not that he rubbished the accusations until he finally couldnโ€™t deny them any longer, not that he wrote a shitty non-apology apology. What bothers him is that Obama knows his sex thing.

Because thatโ€™s what actually bothers him, see. The large-scale embarrassment of it. Not that he hurt these women (please, itโ€™s not like he raped them), not that he lied to his audience, not that he rubbished the accusations until he finally couldnโ€™t deny them any longer, not that he wrote a shitty non-apology apology. What bothers him is that Obama knows his sex thing. Maybe the show should have been called Louis CK Still Doesnโ€™t Get It.

I went back to watch the Beacon Theater show from nine years ago to see when my first laugh would come, to separate the art from the artist yada yada. It came 1.5 minutes in and stayed pretty much throughout, because Iโ€™m fucked up. And also because that was a far more innocent time, and a far funnier show.

If you feel ready to forgive him, or never needed to forgive him in the first place (cos youโ€™re a dick), or need a laugh because quarantine, spend the $7.99, but remember thatย Sincerely Louis CKย is not sincere, and itโ€™s not Louis CK as you knew him. There is no Louis CK as you knew him.

One thing people always say when defending assholes is well what could he have done differently to redeem himself? Is he supposed to just stop living his life? Is he supposed to stop working? Is he supposed to just disappear? What would make you happy? Well thank you for making that my problem, thereโ€™s nothing I enjoy more than being fucked over and then asked how to fix it. 

This is what Iโ€™d like him to do: Write it. Perform it. Make it funny. Why has the man who uses shame as comedic currency not done an entire show, or at the very least a segment, on (hopefully) the most shameful thing heโ€™s ever done? Why, after five minutes of Talking About It at the end of this special, are we left with โ€œAnyway thatโ€™s all Iโ€™m gonna say about that shitโ€? 

Weโ€™re not done talking about that shit, Louis. We havenโ€™t even started.


Aishwarya Subramanyam

Aishwarya Subramanyam is a writer and co-founder of Goose, a digital content agency based in Mumbai.


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