
Comedians on Tour Selling Tickets: 10 Questions With Aakash Mehta

By DA Staff 11 July 2023 2 mins read

After winning a Netflix reality show and dropping his second comedy special, Aakash Mehta is back on the road with his show 'Dark'. Here's everything you need to know about it!

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Aakash Mehta is enjoying a killer year. After winning the Netflix reality show Social Currency, the comedian has just dropped his second standup comedy special Nasty, four months after releasing his debut hour No Smoking on YouTube. Mehta clearly doesn’t want to lose momentum and wants to keep riding this high. The comedian is back on the road, this time touring with his show Dark for the very last time (before, presumably, yet another special release). And he’s got five more (?!) in the bank! Total front-bencher energy, and we’re here for it if it means more comedy for us. We caught up with Mehta over the weekend to find out about what he’s got planned for this new tour.

Quick! Whatโ€™s this show about?

Dark is a dark comedy show with my twin brother, @PrakashTheMehta.

How many shows are you doing, across how many cities?

So far its around 42 shows in 36 cities and we’re just going to keep adding more!

How long did you spend writing the show?

Dark has been on tour since around the time I started Nasty only but due to it being more niche and there being availability issues with Prakash we’ve not toured it as much. This is the last time we’re touring it.

Is this already leading up to a recorded special for a streaming platform?

Have you heard anything? Because I sure haven’t.

Why should we watch it live?

It’s a dark comedy show. Even if it goes online, how much of the actual show will end up making it, you think? Live is how it’s meant to be seen. Everything else is a compromise.

According to you, who would be the ideal plus-one to bring to the live show?

Get an older family member who has a sense of humour about their mortality. Those are Prakash’s favourite people.

How did you come up with the name โ€˜Darkโ€™?

Nobody reads descriptions. So I named the show after it’s description.

On a scale of 1 – WTFAMIDOING, how nervous are you?

OTT release/special release and massive tour all within a month. I think I’ve been permanently turned to a 6.

What are your top five feelings on a show day?

Same thing people feel when they go to the office, yaar. Except everyone claps when you show up!

Can we expect some jokes on ‘Social Currency’?

Iโ€™m actually dreading what Prakash will have to say about the show and seeing me on it.


DA Staff

Damn straight. Dead Ant has staff. You’d better believe it.


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