
Comedians on Tour Selling Tickets: 10 Questions With Neville Shah

By Shantanu Sanzgiri 8 March 2021 2 mins read

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You know him as one quarter of the award-winning (DACA20) podcast The Internet Said So, Aaron Sorkin’s biggest fanboy, and a solo artist who likes to dive deep into the most asshole parts of the human brain. The Indian standup scene’s resident “dark” comic, Neville Shah is back on the road with a new hour-long show, Neville Shah is XL two years after the release of his Amazon Prime Video special Going Downhill. We speed-grilled him about why we should watch it live. Ready?

1. Quick! Whatโ€™s this show about?

Itโ€™s Nevilleโ€™s show. Itโ€™s dark. And reflects the true gutter that is my brain.

2. How many shows are you doing, across how many cities?

Phase 1 is/was 10 shows across 6 cities.

3. How long did you spend writing the show?

Over a year, I guess?

4. Is this already leading up to a recorded special for a streaming platform?

LOL. No one will buy this. And it is not even YouTube-able.

5. Why should we watch it live?

Because it will never make it online.

6. According to you, who would be the ideal plus one to bring to the live show?

Someone you want to gauge.

7. It’s been two years since Going Downhill released. Are things looking up yet?

Have you been living on the same planet?

8. Is it “woke”?

Not enough. And even if it was, it would unwoke in two months, โ€˜cause thereโ€™ll be a new โ€œwokeโ€.

9. What have you been working on besides this in the last year?

I have three jobs. Those.

10. What are the three things you definitely don’t have jokes about in this hour?

Rabbits. Butterflies. Happiness.

Buy your tickets here.


Shantanu Sanzgiri


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