
Watch: New Episode of ‘Chai Time with Kenny’ Reels You in With ’90s Nostalgia & Board Game Feels

By DA Staff 2 April 2019 2 mins read

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Standup comic and scene darling Kenny Sebastian is back with a new episode of his wildly popular show Chai Time With Kenny, after keeping his hyper-enthusiastic fans waiting for four whole months.

The format is simple: a table, a cup of chai, and an easy conversation with his audience. Sometimes he reviews biscuits, other times he wonders out loud about EDM, or analyses the literature trifecta of everyone growing up in 1990s India: Tinkle, Chacha Chowdhry and Archie comics.

This one also reels you in with ’90s nostalgia, with a discussion on board games we all played growing up—from the zero-fuss knots and crosses (or X&O, depending on what year you were born) and Name/Place/Animal/Thing to the mind tricks of Bluff and the boredom hell that is chess. Great fun. Watch:

The latest episode of Chai Time With Kenny: ‘Why Chess Sucks’

The one in which he reviews biscuits is one of our favourites for being so beautifully random….

“Ey, it’s not that funny also, okay… chumma!

But if you think it’s the kind of rabbit hole you’re likely to enjoy, here’s the entire playlist:


DA Staff

Damn straight. Dead Ant has staff. You’d better believe it.


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