
Comedians On Tour Selling Tickets: 10 Questions With Karunesh Talwar

By Amrita Chanda 26 July 2023 3 mins read

Karunesh Talwar is finishing up his India shows before jetting off to America and Australia. Here's everything you need to know about his latest show!

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Comedian Karunesh Talwar is currently wrapping up some Indian tour datesโ€”with shows in Bangalore, Delhi and Gurugramโ€”before he jets off to the United States with his show Adrak Ka Swad this August. The trip starts in Boston, and Talwar is still figuring out where the finish line lies for this leg of the tour. All he knows is that there’s a lot of steaks and barbeques on the menu in the Land of the Free, and he’s looking forward to gluttoning out. Read on to find out more about the show, the tour and Talwar’s culinary options on the road.

Quick! Whatโ€™s this show about?

Itโ€™s about all the things that most people have agreed are fun that I donโ€™t enjoy. There are a lot of things that I find annoying. Like going out in nature or drinking and dancing. So, itโ€™s me making fun of these things and the people who enjoy them.

How many shows are you doing, across how many cities?

At this point, I donโ€™t even know how many cities but I have a few shows in India right now. There are two shows in Bangalore, one in Gurgaon, and one more in Delhi. Then Iโ€™m headed to the US where Iโ€™m doing Boston, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Dallas, Washington DC, Seattle and the Bay area and then Iโ€™m flying to Australia where I’ll be performing in Sydney and Melbourne. We might just add an Auckland show in New Zealand as well. So yeah, mind-bending amount of travel coming up but Iโ€™m really excited about it.

How long did you spend writing the show?

I spent about two-and-a-half years writing this material. So far, I think itโ€™s the show that I’m proudest of. I think this is a stronger show than all the other ones that Iโ€™ve done previously and Iโ€™m really excited about putting it up in front of people and eventually on the internet.

Is this already leading up to a recorded special for a streaming platform?

This is not going to go up on a streaming platform. I am going to record the special at some point later this year. Latest at the start of the next and then Iโ€™m going to put out videos on YouTube. So thatโ€™s the plan.

Why should we watch it live?

I think if you enjoy what I do and youโ€™d like to see a more refined and clear version of what my style has been over the years, this is a good show to watch. If you like my sense of humour and if youโ€™d like to see a more developed version of it than Iโ€™ve been able to present in the past, this is the show for you.

According to you, who would be the ideal plus-one to bring to the live show?

I think you could come to the show with anybody. Itโ€™s a largely clean show. Thereโ€™s no ideal plus one as such. My material is generally enjoyed by younger people but if you come to the show with your parents or older members of the family, it shouldnโ€™t be a problem. The show is pretty much for everybody.

How did you come up with the name Adrak Ka Swaad?

The idea behind the title is from the hindi phrase โ€˜bandar kya jaane adrak ka swaadโ€™. In this case, unbeknownst to me, I am the monkey and I donโ€™t understand the adrak or the swaad. Like, what is so fun about going out in nature, socialising, dancing, drinking? Stuff like that.

On a scale of 1 – WTFAMIDOING, how nervous are you?

I am not really nervous about the show itself. Itโ€™s the insane amount of logistics around the shows that are kind of anxiety-inducing. Stuff like hotel and flight bookings, timeline, which auditorium, constant promotion, putting up reels to promote the tour etc. But the work itself is a lot of fun. There are no nerves around that.

Do you miss hanging out with comedians in green rooms?

Yeah, that can be a lot of fun provided the comedians that are there are ones you enjoy hanging out with. But I make it a point to meet up with my friends from the comedy community regularly enough anyway so we get to hang out quite a bit.

Will you be doing any cooking on this tour?

Hahaha, I probably will be doing some cooking on this tour considering Iโ€™ll be living abroad for quite a while. So you know the usual sort of system where you make breakfast in the apartment and then you eat dinner at a restaurant. That sort of thing. Lots of grocery stores, lots of frozen meats, eggs, and stuff like that. So I guess, yeah a little bit of rudimentary cooking!


Amrita Chanda


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