
Comedians On Tour Selling Tickets: 10 Questions With Manan Desai

By DA Staff 24 November 2022 2 mins read

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Manan Desai is back bigger than ever! After his previous special Ashudh Gujarati, which he took to only 4 cities, the comedian is back with a new hour titled Jati Rehje. With a schedule of 28 cities and 35 shows, Desai is going all out with this one. Here’s everything you need to know about the new show, a special opening act that is coming to a select few cities and what the comedian has been up to other than comedy. Hint: It’s going to be screened on a big screen!

1. Quick! Whatโ€™s this show about?

It’s about my life journey. I talk about birth and death. There’s mimicry and dark humour that’ll make you smile and then it’ll suddenly shock you.

2. How many shows are you doing, across how many cities?

Iโ€™m performing 36 shows across 28 cities.

3. How long did you spend writing the show?

Most of it was written during the pandemic. So around 14-18 months.

4. Is this already leading up to a recorded special for a streaming platform?

I’m going to record this for sure. If there are no takers I’ll release it directly for my audience base.

5. Why should we watch it live?

Because a few crude jokes will never make it to the recording for obvious reasons. It also has a surprise guest spot by my mother in select cities where I’ll be performing.

6. According to you, who would be the ideal plus-one to bring to the live show?

I’ve been told by a parent that usually Gujarati parents try to drag their children (who oblige hesitantly) to Gujarati plays. In this show, itโ€™s the younger people who are making their parents attend since I joke a lot about problems between parents and children in this special. So yes, you can bring your parents to the show. And FYI it has only ONE cuss word.

7. How did you come up with the name ‘Jati Rehje’?

Jati rehje is something that I just used in one of my old sketch videos. The audience grabbed it and started throwing it around in the comment section or when they meet me in person. So it became my motto in life. Jati rehje is basically telling someone to get lost. So the special is about all the instances where I had said โ€œget lost” to a lot of negative things in life.

8. On a scale of 1 – WTFAmIDoing, how nervous are you?

While performing the special I was like wtfamidoing even though I knew what I was doing.

9. What have you been working on besides this in the last year?

I have written a Gujarati movie which was shot early this year. It will be released in 2023. Also, I produced and released the biggest Gujarati mash-up song called Garba Shuffle 2.0 which is a blend of music, garba, Bollywood and comedy. I’m also in process of writing another Gujarati feature film.

10. Which Gujarati snack goes best with a comedy special?

Thepla. Anytime. Anywhere. Any occasion. Best snack ever!

Book your tickets for Jati Rehje here!


DA Staff

Damn straight. Dead Ant has staff. You’d better believe it.


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