
Varun Grover’s Directorial Debut ‘All India Rank’ To Make Its Asia Premiere At Jio MAMI Film Festival

By DA Staff 26 October 2023 2 mins read

Varun Grover's directorial debut 'All India Rank' to mark its Asia & India premiere at Jio MAMI Film Festival.

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Comedian, writer and lyricist Varun Grover’s directorial debut All India Rank will make its Asian and Indian premiere this week at the Jio Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) Film Festival. The semi-autobiographical film starring Bodhisattva Sharma, Samta Sudiksha,ย Shashi Bhushan, Geeta Agrawal and Seema Chaddha is a coming-of-age drama set in the late ’90s.

“We all struggle when we are 17. The hormonal desires called love, the constant swinging between ‘ambition’ and ‘mediocrity’, the generational trauma of parents, all create a minor-key horror-comedy around us,” Grover told Times of India. “With All India Rank I want to capture exactly that phase of our lives.”

The film will be screened across Mumbai during the Jio MAMI festival on 27 and 30 October and 2 November. All India Rank has also been selected as the opening film for the 12th edition of the Dharamshala International Film Festival, which starts on 4 November.

You can buy your tickets for Jio MAMI here.


DA Staff

Damn straight. Dead Ant has staff. You’d better believe it.


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