
Comedians On Tour Selling Tickets: 10 Questions With Sahil Shah

By DA Staff 23 January 2024 3 mins read

Sahil Shah is back on the road with his latest show 'Broken'. Here's everything you need to know about the show!

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Five years after the release of his debut standup special Childish Behaviour, Sahil Shah is back with a brand new show titled Broken. But this time there are no silly jokes and puns that will make you roll your eyes. That was old Shah. The new one is now a jaded adult, tired of all the mundanities of life. He’s crossed over to the dark side and become the antithesis of what we got to see in his first special. “It’s all about living life in a mentally exhausting state,” he said in the caption of his Instagram post announcing his 12-city India tour. He’s also going to keep his passport handy because Shah has some international dates lined up as well! What’s the show all about? Will we ever get the punny Shah back? Read on to get the scoop!

1. Quick! Whatโ€™s this show about?

*runs since you mentioned quick*
I released my first special Childish Behaviour when I was 27 years old. At the time I was super immature and I relished in the fact that I liked seeing people fall down stairs. (As the great Mitch Hedburg saidโ€ฆI still doโ€ฆbut I used to too.)

Right now Iโ€™m 33โ€ฆ.Iโ€™m oldโ€ฆtiredโ€ฆand broken. Thatโ€™s what this show is about! Itโ€™s the antithesis to Childish Behaviour! A deeply personal show that talks about our collective deteriorating mental health and what we can do to survive as the most tired generation aka Gen Ex-hausted.

2. How many shows are you doing, across how many cities?

Right now we are doing 12 cities with a HUGE auditorium show in Mumbai. But adding more cities as we speak and then will be heading to do shows in Bangkok, Vietnam and London.

3. How long did you spend writing the show?

This show has been with me for three years now. It started during the lockdown and was a SUPER HAPPY show but as the years have passed it has grown darker and more existential. (Iโ€™m talking about the show. Not me *coughs*)

4. Is this already leading up to a recorded special for a streaming platform?

I love the jokes too much to give them away for free. Right now I want to tour with the show and hone it as much as I can till I reach a point where I feel like it can be released online. Then I can keep refreshing the page to see people go โ€œHasna tha kya?โ€

5. Why should we watch it live?

Over the years of performing Iโ€™d say Iโ€™ve zoned in on the physical and emotional aspect of the show. This show is not your usual comedy show. Itโ€™s a full story with a start, middle and end. It’ll will make you laugh and well if youโ€™re with meโ€ฆmake you cry and then laugh again. Itโ€™s a personal story with details that I generally donโ€™t talk about publicly and in the live space itโ€™s a moment that me, my audience and the people in the sound team (who wished my mic was off) will share with each other.

6. According to you, who would be the ideal plus-one to bring to the live show?

Bring your pets. (If you call your partner that then I will put you in touch with my therapist.)

7. Why are you calling this tour โ€˜Brokenโ€™?

Because arenโ€™t we all?

8. On a scale of 1 โ€“ WTFAMIDOING, how nervous are you?

Talk to me before the show when the coffee and anxiety kick in.

9. How do you deal with being away from Kurkure and Bagel?

I carry tiny miniatures of them that I will put in the green room as a good luck charm.

10. What’s the first pun that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘broken’?

Hi I just met you and this is crazyโ€ฆ.but I am brokenโ€ฆFevi-Col me maybe?

Get your tickets to catch Shah live here!


DA Staff

Damn straight. Dead Ant has staff. You’d better believe it.


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